Hello all! Been a while, but I have been a busy bee lately. Had to do some house renos and what-not, but I wanted to share this project with you.
I was scrolling through Pinterest, as usual, and came across this pin. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/492581277965603837/
I am always looking for better storage solutions, so I had to make it! And since my husband has a lot of fishing rods, I knew that I would need to adjust for size.
I just happen to have two 8 foot 1x4 that was scrapped from a shed project that I found from a Craigslist ad. I love it when people give away instead of throwing away. This of course meant that I had to do some prep work prior to starting this project. It is always a good idea if you reclaim wood to take the time to remove all the nails and screws and any sharp splinters, if you have the time, so that when you start a new project, you can just grab and go. These boards had lots of finishing nails and had been stained (which was peeling off). Might have been good if I hadn't planned on painting them. So Sanding was a must.
I also needed to buy the hooks. I needed about 40, and the cheapest place that I found them (that were the right size) was at Dollar General. They are called bike hooks $1, and found on the automotive isle. The problem is that most of the stores only stock 8 each, so you have to travel around the city, in search of them at different stores, or you can just wait and order them online.
Once that was finished, then I could start. Using my sawhorses, I laid out the boards and gave them two good coats of interior/exterior paint in dark grey. Allow to dry thoroughly.
Then I measured out the spots where I would need to drill the holes. You will need to measure the width of the hook and make sure to leave at least that much space in between.
HLT: If you put them too close together, you will not be able to turn then around and be able to screw them into the boards. So measure and then use a scrap piece of wood (or the hooks themselves) as a spacer when you are marking the holes. Leave space at the end for the screws for the ceiling attachment.
You will need to use a drill bit that is slightly smaller than your hook's screw to drill your holes. I used a 1/4 bit. Drill all the way through the board. This will make some mess with saw dust, but clean and touch up paint as needed.
Next, screw in all your hooks. Turn them all the same direction (or different if you prefer). Make sure they have a tight grip, but do not go all the way through the board, or you will not be able to put board to wall.

Load your rods on your hooks! And give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done!!!!